Financial domination phone sex

Fantasy phone sex

I am a prostitute secretly.. Some guy thought he could save me… but uhm duh, I didn’t want to be saved. I do like the flattery and tons of cash for being a total bitch to him though..

Much better than fucking him he’s really not my type. Just a simple morning peck and an I love you through out the day keeps that fucking moron paying. You see I am not a prostitute because I don’t have the money…

I am a trust fund baby. I have more than enough inheritance to get me through life. I am a whore because it’s thrilling.. Someone calling me up to set up a date and I get all dolled up to meet with someone I don’t even know..

Not knowing them is the least of it.. I have absolutely no idea what they even look like.. I am an adrenaline junky, what gets this pussy off is my heart racing because it just doesn’t know what to expect.. My entire way to the hotel room or parking lot my pussy tingles. I get sopping wet before I am even on my knees.

I love fucking and sucking random men off and I won’t be stopping for nothing, nobody or anything!

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