Cuckold Phone Sex will Save Your Marriage

cuckold phone sexI am good at cuckold phone sex because my ex husbands gave me great practice. I was young and naïve with husband number one. I married for love and thought that meant I would grow to love his 4-inch thin dick. That never happened. Marriage number two I thought I had traded up because he had an 8-inch cock. I mean I doubled the dick size, right? Wrong. He was on so much medication that his nice cock was in a perpetual limp state. I took him to the curb too. The problem with both ex husbands is that neither understood my sexual needs. They thought love was enough. They thought I should forgo sexual pleasure to save their precious egos. True love doesn’t work that way. If you love your wife and you can’t satisfy her, you will lose her if you think she should remain faithful and just over look her sexual pleasure. I am a phone sex therapist and I will tell you that making your woman sacrifice her pleasure is not the way to go period. If anyone should suck it up, its you. Lick it up too. Being a cuckold is the way to save a marriage. Neither of my ex-husbands wanted to be my cuckolds. They didn’t think it was manly. It takes a man to put his ego aside for his woman’s sexual pleasure. If you have a big ego and a small cock, you need my help.

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