Leash and Chain

Forced feminization

I’m Envy, a professional mistress. I get paid big bucks to control submissive men. I love my job. I’ll let you in on a little secret: men love bitches. They love being dominated by a sexy, strong female. If you want to be my pet, you better learn to obey. I can be very mean, when I feel disrespected.
One of my favorite clients is a federal judge named John. John has a very high powered job. He has the power to give criminals the death penalty. But when he’s in my home he has no power. I keep him on a leash and chain. He must stay on his hands and knees, unless given permission to stand. Sometimes when I feel like being cruel, I put him in a dress. I put make up on his face and burettes in his hair. I walk him with the leash and chain from room to room.
He came over to my place last night. His first mistake was coming over without calling. That mishap would cost him five swats with my wooden paddle. His second mistake was walking into my home. He knows when I open the door he’s suppose to drop to his hands and knees crawl. Five more swats for forgetting his place. He forgot he’s not a man here, he’s a pet.
I told him to pull his pants down and bend over. I pulled my paddle off of the wall. I touched his bare ass with my hand, and he flinched. His skin was so white and soft. I reared the paddle back and swung with all my might. He cried out in pain. A  fresh paddle sized, red welt appeared on his ass. I followed through with nine more swings. I told him to stand and face me, he had a huge erection.
“Are you ever going to come over here without calling, my pet?”, I asked.
“No, Mistress”, he replied.
“Are you ever suppose to walk into my home, my pet?”, I asked. “How are you suppose to enter my home?”, I yelled.
” I crawl when I enter your home, Mistress.” , he replied.
I looked down at his erection, the tip glistened with pre-cum. I put his leash and collar on, and walked him to my bedroom. I pulled off my panties and laid on the bed. I spread my thighs apart and motioned with my finger for him to come to me.
“Come here my pet, eat this pussy.”, I demanded.

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