Phone Sex Therapy for Perverts

phone sex therapy

If you’re feeling a bit conflicted about some of the things you’ve been thinking about when you masturbate, then you should call a classy woman like me for some phone sex therapy. Society loves to make people feel ashamed of the things they are into. That’s probably happened to you, hasn’t it? You felt safe enough to tell a lover what turned you on more than anything else and they told you that you were gross, disgusting, or sick. But when you call a phone therapist like me, you can talk about your desires without having to worry that you’re going to be criticized.

I’m the type of person who is going to tell you to let your freak flag fly and do whatever makes you and your partner happy in the bedroom. Maybe you have never even had the opportunity to try out what you want most. I would love to talk to you about it and help you see that what you want is normal and healthy. And you know, I’d even be happy to do a roleplay if you wanted to. I’m here for you no matter which route you want to take, so gimme a call!

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