Phone Sex Therapy Is All You Need

phone sex therapy

There are many people who see you calling me as just simply a way to get off. But I see it as phone sex therapy. Sometimes you need to get off quickly and that’s fine. I still see that as a kind of therapy. You have a need that your wife won’t give you and I provide that for you. It keeps your mind fresh and sharp and relieves stress. I mean, that’s kind of the point of therapy sometimes, right? And I’ll even listen to you tell me what an awful woman she is, if that’s what you need me to do.

But maybe what you really need is for me to listen and help you work through why you are into the things you are. You can love whatever you love, but maybe you just want me to help you figure out why. Or maybe you want me to tell you that it’s okay. I am here for whatever you need. And hey, maybe once we figure out what’s up with you, we can do a role play or something and you can get two kinds of therapy. Hey, what can I say? I’m a one-stop therapy shop.

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