I’m not your average mistress. I consider myself a high-end escort. But I fuck like a super freak. My clientele includes the more wealthy upper-class individuals. Many of my clients are married men who are very established individuals and we can meet up in the most luxurious places. Fancy hotels, expensive condos, big city apartments. I have become a perfect side-chick to rich men who lack variety and spice and their relationship. I’m very discreet and I’ve been seeing these men for quite some time and not a single one has had any issue with the partner finding out. I make sure I keep a low profile. I’ve been known to offer service to high-profile men. That’s why I wear only the most tasteful and expensive lingerie. I’m taken out to eat seafood and given wonderful gifts, designer purses and the best expensive heels. I know I deserve all of the success that I have come across because I am a very smart business woman. I keep my clients interested and wanting more. I love being surprised. I want you to eat my pussy in a huge hotel room. Enjoy being taken out on unexpected dates. They know the more they go all-out, the more wild I will get in the bedroom. Lingerie always looking spectacular. I’m always on point whenever I meet up with my sugar daddy. If you ever need a girl who can satisfy you needs but keep it discreet, I’m the one to call. You will have a good time and never worry about me being catty or a trouble maker. I am a smart and classy woman. I consider myself a professional a what I do. And I take my reputation very seriously. I can feel as though I have done my part to end boredom in a loveless relationship. I may even give you some tips on how to thrill a woman. I want you to fuck my pussy til I cum all over your dick. I think that women should not be ashamed of being in the industry but they need to be classy and smart..