Your Secret Girlfriend

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You love peaking through my window, but I knew that already. That’s why I never close my curtains even during the day. Sometimes I even leave them open even when I’m playing with myself. I’ll just flip onto my stomach and grind my cute hairless pussy against my fingers. Hopefully if you like what you see enough you’ll decide to come to my room and play. I’d love to satisfy you for real. I want to you all the things that you want, things that only girls won’t give to you.

My three tight holes belong to you whenever you’re with me. You don’t have to beg for it either, just take it. Jam your cock deep inside my tiny ass even if it’s without lube. I won’t just take it either, I’ll actually enjoy it. There’s nothing worse than a girl faking it because guys like you can tell. Don’t worry, I’ll never be that way with you. Hopefully if I please you, you’ll keep coming back for more.

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Even if I’m just your secret girlfriend, I don’t care. As long as I know I’m satisfying you I don’t mind sharing. Other girls can’t share because they’re insecure, but I’ve never felt like that. I know what it takes to keep a man like you interested and they don’t.  Most of the other girls you’ve been with are selfish. It might seem like your pleasure comes first, but it really doesn’t. If you want to fuck their throats with your sexy dick, it will cost you. Those girls expect diamonds or other shiny gifts when the only gift I need is watching you cum for me. Why should they be rewarded for something that should already be expected of them anyway? I mean, what’s the point of even having a man if you aren’t willing to serve him?

One thing I really hate is how girls will milk a guys wallet without even putting into effort or thought into milking his cock first. I can’t stand that! Don’t they realize how hard men like you work? You deserve so much more than that, you deserve everything and I’m just the girl to give you that.

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