I love getting pussy through Lesbian Phone Sex


Lesbian Phone SexGetting your pussy eaten by a woman just hits different. I find their tongues to be more sensual and erotic as opposed to the male tongue which is stiff and ridged. No offense guys, but women just eat pussy better.

For instance, one of my partners who’s over from time to time is amazing at it. And that’s all we really do. Is just have a snack ever so often that consist of each other coming in each other’s mouths. Or go for a full meal and just eat for hours.

Or have her just start sticking her fingers in my holes to make me wetter. That way her tongue and search for the sweet spot on my clit and get me squirting everywhere. Mostly on her face.

And switching positions to have my fill of cunt, I make sure to tease and sensually torture her. Nipples, asshole, taint. All of it. Just explore her body and really make sure I lick every sensitive spot on her body.

Because for desert, we order a cock to come join us for some Lesbian Phone Sex fun.


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