Hiring A New Assistant

Sensual phone sexI have made a decision.  I am going to employ an assistant.  I do not want some cute perky young female thing…they annoy me.  What I want is a hot, juicy, candy coated, intelligent, witty, fit young man.  Or even an older one, if he looks fabulous enough.  He will have to work, he won’t just be there for my eye candy.  I own about two dozen boutiques so he will have his work cut out for this young; or older; man to keep up with me.  There will be company perks for him though.

For instance, there is travel, there is the constant contact; both on the phone, and in person; with well known people, and those who are not known to the general public but have money out the ying yang.  What up and coming man doesn’t want to play with the rich folks? Will give them something to instagram or snapchat to all their friends.  There is nothing wrong with bragging Dear, as long as it is done with taste.

There is also the perk of being able to be called into my bedroom from time to time.  Of course I cannot go over this part during the application process, but it will be heavily implied.  I honestly do not think that I will have a hard time finding someone.  Do you?Mature phone sex

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