Phone Sex Therapy for Cuckolds

phone sex therapyPhone sex therapy is what so many of my callers need. Most of them are little cuckolds with tiny dicks or sissy bitches in the closest about their love for BBC or just dick in general. I’ve been a sex education teacher for decades, plus I married two men with dick issues. My first husband had a 4 inch willy. I was young and naive, didn’t think size was all that important. My second husband, well he had a decent cock, but the damn thing didn’t work without a colorful little pill. They are my exes because they were unwilling cuckolds. I’m sorry guys, consider this tough love. If you don’t have a big cock, or a working cock, then you need to step up your game with your woman. If you can’t provide for her sexually, then fine someone who can. It really is that simple.

cuckold phone sex farahWomen are superior to men. We are goddesses who deserve all the sexual pleasure we want. If you want to keep your relationship, but you fall short in the cock department you need cuckold phone sex therapy to help you better accept your fate as a fluffer boy, cuckold, creampie eater and big dick procurer. Trust me, you need to adapt to keep a hot woman. My two exes refused to be cuckolds. A good man will enjoy watching his woman get fucked by a real man. A good man will help her prepare for dates, even get men for her. A good man can’t wait to soothe his woman’s well fucked pussy and ass after a real man has gaped her holes open. The reality is that woman are no longer naive about cock size. Thanks to the Internet we see that all cocks are not created equally. It is time for you to wake up and save your relationship. Trust me, your woman will love you and be loyal to you IF you ensure her sexual satisfaction through surrogate lovers. If you don’t become her cuckold, she will leave you for a real man with a big hard working cock.

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