A Phone Sex Mommy Therapist

phone sex mommyI enjoy being a phone sex mommy. I understand human sexuality.  Most boys have an Oedipus complex for mommy. This often comes out in therapy. I find it therapeutic to roleplay a boy’s mommy issues. I had a client over at my home practice who needed the kind of nurturing love that only a mature woman could give him. He is a closeted adult baby. I have had plenty of experience with adult babies. I can go either way with an adult baby. I can be the sweet loving nurturing mommy they likely never got when a little lad, or I can be the mean punishing and belittling mother that got them in my office in the first place. As a phone sex therapist, I understand adult babies. Some want to leave the lifestyle; others thrive as adult babies. This client doesn’t want to live the adult baby lifestyle. He is not the typical adult baby either. He has big cock. He is not a sissy; he is not even effeminate. I was able to diagnose the issue quickly. He had a strong mother. She was a ball busting bitch. You know the kind; old school mother who withholds love from her offspring. I needed to recreate some nurturing in him, retrace the building blocks of his youth. I breast fed him. I changed his diaper and I loved him. I rocked him to sleep, telling him how much I loved him. I gave him some sweet mommy love with erotic roleplaying. Sometimes all a man needs is some mommy nurturing from a surrogate mommy therapist.

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