Be My Servant

Domination Phone Sex
Today, you’ve been my servant all day; carrying my bags as I shop, rubbing my feet, picking up after me, etc. It is actually pretty pathetic how you jump at my every command, like a dog, so eager for my approval. Come late afternoon, I find myself with a strong need for a more frisky kind of fun. Getting into my corset, I grabbed my crop and demanded you get naked immediately. Of course, being the sissy bitch you are, you so exactly as I say without so much as a question. I pushed you down onto all fours and smacked your ass hard with the crop. My pussy got wet when I saw how red the mark was on that ass. You may be a worthless slut, but I can still have such fun using your body. Over and over again, I smacked your cheeks until they glowed red and radiated heat. Your ridiculously tiny pecker stiffened. I’m sure you’d love for me to suck that shriveled worm, but instead I smack it with the crop before I tell you to lay down flat on your back. Riding your face, I buck my hips and moan. I’m not sure if you can even breath under me, but I don’t care. Your only purpose is to please me. Cumming all down your face, my pussy squirts as I scream and moan. After I’m done, I get up, grab my things, and leave without another word, leaving you with tiny, blue balls.

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