Better With Age

Mature phone sexAs you know I am recently divorced.  Thank the good Lord for that.  I had no idea that there was so much more to sex than laying there hoping for my husband to finish so I could get back to working on my business.  It is actually sad that I lived my life like that for so many years.  No more though.  I have had so many encounters since I signed my name to those papers that I am simply amazed! 

What I am most amazed about his how many younger men love being with a more Mature Woman like myself.  Not that I’m old, for Christ sake I’m not saying that at all, but I am older than some of the Ladies on this site with me.  I engaged in doggy style the other night for the first time ever!  Who knew it could be so outstanding?!  I have started to dress sexy yet tasteful and it just makes me horny when I notice men noticing me.  I know that they are appreciating my lovely body, and of course the only thing I am thinking about it taking them some place private to have my way this them.  I think I am going to really like being divorced after all.

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