Cuckold Phone Sex with the Neighbor

cuckold phone sexCuckold phone sex lovers call me all the time.  I bet you love a sexy mature babe who laughs at your small dick and has real life cuckolding experience. I have cuckolded two ex husbands and numerous men who needed knocked down a peg. Ego is only sexy if you have the goods to back it up. I find many guys who are overly egotistical have small dicks. No amount of confidence or charm will make up for a small dick. I have a new neighbor across the street. He is divorced. This is his post divorce house. He has been throwing parties about every night. Saturday night, he invited me over for dinner under the guise of apologizing for the loud parties. He is in his 40s. I assumed he must have a big working dick because lots of hot young girls have been coming and going at all hours. When we were making out on his couch and I felt no boner, I assumed it was how he was tucked. I made two wrong assumptions. He had a turtle hiding in a shell. The girls coming and going had to be pros. No way women would fuck him without payment. Fuck, I would not fuck him even if he paid me. I got up the moment the turtle made an appearance. I told him I don’t do small cocks. He apparently realized his dick was small because he said, “come on Farrah, girls find it cute.” I told him baby ducks are cute and that I was not a girl. As a mature woman, I don’t want cute dicks. I want big manly cocks. Small dick humiliation was all he got from me. It is all he will ever get from me. It is all you will ever get from me too if you have a “cute dick.” Big dicks are never cute. Big dicks are sexy as fuck.

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