Domination porn is how any party should go

Domination pornI love when a man takes the initiative and gets in there for domination porn. His hands on my waist, his dick proding deep into my swollen, needy cunt without much pause. I really appreciate the little things in the version of seduction a good confident man likes to pull. I’m dripping well before he’s gone anywhere near me, and a dripping pussy is a good pussy. I don’t really need much else than a guy who’s going to suit my every need and push me over the edge. On the other hand, on days like today, when that dick is actually just slamming into me and the seduction process was the six seconds it took to drop my panties to the floor and get behind me, well, I need a bit more, and not just some fancy edgeplay phone sex – though that does get really fun. That’s why I always have someone nearby, paid well for their position of course, who’s able, willing, and ready to jump in and plug my mouth with a hard, thick, powerful dick. My nerves are soothed quickly with a cock in my mouth, something to play with and suck down. I have a bit of an oral fixation when it comes to familiar man meat, it always tastes better when I have a good name to put to it and I’ve got the knowledge on exactly how to make it cum down my throat. There’s no pressure, no stress, just a big prick to use for my needs and gulp down a prize when I’m done. Like getting a high score at an old arcade at a game you know too well, or playing with a family member who knows everything about your body. What’s important isn’t the end, though the cum you get to swallow down is the best, it’s the process and the familiarity of a return customer to my slutty lips and the joy that comes with cocksucking phone sex.

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