Fantasy Phone Sex Tryst

He has been watching me. I rarely close the blinds, or the windows in the upstairs bedroom this time of year. I had some candles lit and was feeling really good from the wine I drank and a little hashish my friend brought by the other day. I was just sort of doing my own private little striptease in front of my mirror while listening to some Lush. I was feeling so amazing after the soak in the tub. I let my silk robe slide off my shoulders and slip down around my feet. I slid my fresh little white sheer butterfly panties away from my moist waxed mound, over my ass and down my silky-smooth legs.

Naked, I slid onto my bed and laid back. My legs spread I started caressing my pussy lips and sipping the wine on my bedside table. I set the glass down threw my head back and ached my back as I slowly ran my hands over my breasts. I was feeling so good… then came the ringing of my doorbell. Pulled out of my little trance I walked down the hall to the door, completely forgetting I was naked. It was my neighbor from across the way. He could see directly in my bedroom and wondered if I needed a hand. He was attractive and very reserved. He had a bottle of champagne in his hands and told me he had been watching me for weeks. He finally couldn’t take it anymore and had to come over. We exchanged hellos’ often in the courtyard or at the mailboxes. I always secretly wished we would have a little tryst He was a gentle and sensual lover with a larger than average cock. The way we went from room to room fucking was amazing and he really made me cum multiple times before he finally let himself explode.

Fantasy phone sex

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