I’m a Cheater

Latina phone sex


Fuck you, you stupid piece of shit, who the fuck do you think you are you think you deserve to have sex with me. Guess what I’m not ever going to fuck you. I’m always going to take you right to the point of losing control, and then I’m going to get up and fucking leave. If you happen to be at my house, I am going to kick your ass the fuck out because you don’t mean shit to me you’re just a paycheck. I mean really who do you think you are with your small little dick you can’t even make me scream you make me mad. I can’t stand you I tried to like you, but it’s just not possible you’re so arrogant for nothing. You and your little bitty pink dick means nothing you should be in a dress you fucking sissy I should have a strap-on making you scream. You’re not a winner you’re a fucking loser a nobody, a complete nothing and you think you deserve me. For some reason I’m at a loss I cannot understand how someone like you could feel that you deserve someone like me. I love sex I love having sex I love one night stands I love being a dirty fucking whore, but you make me feel so bored. You can’t keep your little cock up for more than 10 minutes it’s disgusting it’s embarrassing, and it doesn’t turn me on loser. I’ve had enough of you. I am going to fuck your brother I’m going to let him suck my pussy, and I’m going to make you eat all of his creamy cum From my cum guzzling cunt. Your brother has been looking at my tight ass for so long he’s been telling me how he wants to bite my ass right in front of your face. Your brother calls you a wimp, and I do believe him he told me how he could fuck me for hours, and he’d love to put it on videotape I’m down for it. I’m going to suck his dick so fucking good that you’re going to feel it except for you’re not going to be getting it. I know that you deserve punishment for being so arrogant and stupid for thinking that you deserve sex from me and you’re never going to get it.

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