La vita bella: My time in Florence

sexy babe

I live life to the fullest. I enjoy a naked stroll. You know I am quite the sexy babe. I enjoy being in a nude community.   Ever since I could remember, I have been fascinated by nakedness and masturbation. Our bodies are temples, and we must feed them good food and good Sex. Sex is natural and part of nature. 

A few years ago when I was nineteen, I set off on an adventure to live in an optional clothing town. The town was in Europe. It was amazing to enjoy the Pellegrino way. I am masturbating in public, sipping on vino by the vines and eating a charcuterie board of cheeses and fruit and the finest focaccia loaves. The smell of fresh olive oil and the essences of basil and pesto roam. At the same time, I get a warm embrace and peck from a local. It is my first time meeting this fellow, but here we are all welcoming and like family. It takes mere minutes for him to begin to kiss me and thrust me simultaneously. I’m fucking in front of everyone, but the beauty is they all do the same.


    • Papi on July 11, 2022 at 1:23 pm
    • Reply

    Biking while nude is dangerous, baby.

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