Milf phone sex with Angela

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 My hot pussy is worn out from being used so hard, by so many guys, all day long! I hope you’ll call me so this dirty, milf phone sex slut can tell you about what I did. I wanted to give my cuck slut husband a Valentine’s day gift that he would never forget. I invited his brother over to fuck me but that’s not the best part. His brother coaches the local football team. My husband woke up to me riding his brother’s fat, hard cock and a house full of young, sexy football players waiting for their turn to pound his hot, slut wife. I could see how excited he got when he saw how many guys were lined up, ready to pump me full of his favorite treat! I had him lie back so that I could sit on his face and make him eat his own brother’s cum out of my cunt while I started sucking those young, hard dicks that were waiting on me. Every time one of those guys shot a load in me, I spread my legs and let my cum loving, bitch of a husband lick it out. Who needs chocolate covered strawberries, when I would much rather give him my cream covered cunt!


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