My Little Helper

best phone sex ginger1My nieces sex education is moving right along. She knows every part of my pussy up close and personal and has learned every part of her pussy as well. She has learned how to suck a real dick like she has been doing it forever and all her little holes are stretched to accommodate a real man’s cock as well.
Since she is doing so well I decided to take her to work with me to help me with a client.
He loves young girls but has been so afraid to act on his desires despite the fact that I have assured him that there is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. We have tried role play but as soon as the moment comes to live out his fantasy, he shuts down.
Yesterday I brought my niece with me to the office for his session. I had her wait in the bathroom in my office while I began my session.
I asked him if he would be willing to try hypnosis and he agreed.
Speaking to him in a soft monotone I began the process and soon he was under. That is when I had her come out.
While he was under I initiated his deepest fantasy. When I knew they were far enough into it I brought him out of hypnosis.
It worked beautifully. He fucked my niece like there was no tomorrow and finally he is over the hump.
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