Nursing your dick back to health? More like sucking the life out of it with Roleplay Phone Sex

Roleplay Phone Sex

A favorite of mine has always been Roleplay Phone Sex. Because I can be anything in that. Like a sexy teacher. Naughty maid…

Or your nurse. Here to make sure your dick stays in perfect health. Because no one wants a peen that’s all shriveled up and diseased now, do we? (Unless that is your thing. To which I say is valid too, but not for this role play 😉 Next one though…) No. We need your shlong in prime conditions.

Don’t worry though, this nurse is gonna be what the doc prescribes. Especially because I know the chemistry of your jizz and my pussy juice combining will make the best health potion.

Just have to keep those balls nice and full, and my cunt nice and wet.

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