One Of My Little Secrets

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Right now I know that I give great blowjobs, but it wasn’t always that way. The first time I tried he was disapTpointed and I was embarrassed. It was horrible! His dick was barely in my mouth and I just couldn’t stop gagging. Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t puke trying to go down on it, I’m just glad I didn’t. Even though he teased me for it at school I’m still glad that didn’t happen, it would have made it so much worse. After that horrible experience I promised myself I would get better at it, no matter what it took.

The next day I went to a sex store with two older boys named Dave and Charlie. They lived in my neighborhood so I trusted them not tell a soul. To this day they still haven’t told anyone as far as I know. Not that it really matters now because it wouldn’t do nearly as much damage now. It was just great to walk into the store with them and even ask questions without feeling humiliated. I know I was acting nervous and talking a lot, but they were both so nice about it. They never judged me at all, or laughed at me once and they even helped me pick out a toy! I still have that toy today so they did a good job because it’s one of my favorites.

After Dave and Charlie paid for it they walked me home. While we were walking they told me exactly how to use my new toy. Before that day I wasn’t even sure what a dildo was, but by the time I was at my front door I knew everything I needed to. They told me how to practice deep throating and volunteered to help me learn too. Eventually they did, but that first night it was just me alone with my new dildo.

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It intimated me at first. It was so big and thick, but after I looked at for awhile I started to notice how much it turned me on. I tried to suck it and fit as much as I could in my mouth until suddenly I thought of something so much better. My cunny was so wet at that point and so was the dildo, I knew exactly what I had to do. Something just came over me and I wanted to feel every inch of that plastic cock inside me, but it didn’t happen the way I planned. I tried so hard to get it in, no matter what I tried it just wasn’t working. I was so frustrated! My little pussy was so tight then that I had trouble even fitting a single finger in so I’m not sure what I was thinking.

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