I provided phone sex therapy to a cuckold this morning. He was very much in denial over his marriage and in need of some cuckold phone chat. His wife is cheating on him. It was perfectly clear to me he had a slut wife. All the signs were obvious actually. She wears make up to go the gym. She works late at the office several times a week. She goes out with her girlfriends often, but never mentions specific names. She often showers before she lets her husband even kiss her hello. She does a lot of laundry. She suddenly is wearing sexy panties and lingerie. She is also wearing perfume. She looks better now then when they first started dating. Clearly, she has a lover. When I explained that to my caller, instead of getting angry, he became aroused. That is not uncommon. Many men like the idea of other men fucking their wives. The more I put on my phone sex therapist hat and pulled information from him, the more I discovered about his thoughts. He is a cuckold wannabe. Are you? I suggested he confront his wife about her cheating ways, but not be judgmental or combative. Many women don’t want to hurt their husbands, so they don’t always admit that cock size matters. Women usually cheat because they want a bigger dick, especially mature women. Our pussies aren’t quite as tight as they use to be the older we get. If a woman, however, knows how hot it makes her husband to think of her with another man, she may be inclined to incorporate him into her extramarital activities. Wouldn’t you like to be your wife’s cuckold? Much better to watch it than just hear about it. My caller didn’t call me for cuckold phone sex, he just wanted help getting his marriage back on track. Little did he know he was a cuckold. Once he found out, however, that spark was back in his marriage in a big way. Face it men, if you have a small cock, the best way to enjoy a sexual relationship with your woman is to get her a surrogate lover. I can help.