Roleplaying Slut

Erotic roleplaying

A dirty cunt like me loves to role play and try new things. You have a fantasy baby? You have a fetish daddy? I am all about that sophisticated but freaky phone sex. I aim to please daddy. The best roleplay fantasy was a guy who wanted my best friend and I to act like his two youngsters. He was a crime boss in a Mexican cartel. He got into some trouble and sold us in exchange for drugs and money that he had owed. We were forced to suck hard cock day in and day out until our crime boss daddy’s debt was paid and full. “You black whores drop to your knees.””Open your mouth wider.” “Suck my balls.” Those were the words we heard every day for a year straight like clockwork. Our tight little mouths would get lock jaw once a week and there was nothing we could do. Some of the guys would fuck us too in all our different holes. Our youngster pussies were sore every night. Sometimes we would scream and cry but no one would hear or help us. After he was finally able to pay off his debt our daddy came and picked us up. He paid his debt in full and we were free from all those men who lined up waiting to take their turns on us.

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