The Dominion of Pain: An Extreme Cum whore

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In the depths of depravity, there’s a world of pure, unadulterated decadence. Welcome to the realm of Loretta, the extreme submissive.

My kinky senses are tingling, awakened by the sinister presence of Greg, a sadist of the highest order. With a cold glance, he reduces me to a quivering mess.

Greg’s idea of foreplay? Silencing that filthy mouth of mine, securing my limbs with expert precision. He treats me like the filthy toy she is, connecting clamps to my tender nipples and forcing me to gaze at the electric wand with dread.

But the real fun begins when he torments my wet sloppy cunt. Oh yes, My moist folds are no match for his ruthless fingers, and the electric current only heightens my exquisite agony.

My body twitches, a dance of masochistic delight, as jagged shocks rip through my sensibilities. Greg’s a conductor of pain, orchestrating her torture with murderous precision.

The session leaves me shattered, a puddle of and despair, yet somehow fulfilled. Greg, the sadistic hero, promises a swift reappearance.

Loretta, the suffering slave, awaits her master’s next visit, eager for another fix of painful bliss. It’s a sick, twisted relationship, and she’s loving every fucked-up minute of it!

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