This Beautiful ebony pussy is a beautiful side piece.

Beautiful ebony pussyI love being the side chick to rich older men with way too much time to spare and not enough beautiful ebony pussy to spend it on. There’s something magical about being desired by someone who already has someone else. I’m better than them, I’m dominant and it tells me just how much I’d dom the both of them if it came to it. I don’t feel bad either, I push couples closer together. I ask about her while he’s cumming deep inside my depths. I give him advice when he’s having issues with understanding her perspective on matters, I even take a moment to make sure he’s not completely blowing her off to come fuck me. I wouldn’t stop if he was blowing her off, in fact that’d just make me hornier, wetter and much more forceful, but I do check because it’s not about taking him. I have him the moment he’s got his hands on me and his cum on boobs, the moment he’s begging and my legs are wrapping around his waist for a forceful fuck and clingy touch. The goal for me is to have my fun then throw him back to his strings so I don’t have to deal with it. I’m a get my prize and get out kind of girl. Dick here, dick there, I’ll make him fuck me on every surface he can find that hasn’t been stained enough by his cum. Then, once he’s ready and emptied his balls enough to shine with satisfaction, I tell him to get the fuck out of my house! I’m kidding, he can stay for breakfast and a morning blowjob if he wants. A little cuddling goes a long way too, but he can’t get comfy, I have another rich and more dominant guy showing up at eleven ready to wreck this pussy and if he’s not out by then the new stud’s gonna pull out his strapped weapon and fuck both of us, then post the domination porn while we watch.

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