Your sensual girlfriend


Gfe Phone Sex Imagine you just had a long hard day at work and you come back home to a clean house with a cooked dinner and your girlfriend dressed in the sexiest lingerie you could ever dream of. I’m in the living room on the couch and of course we want to completely disregard the dinner I made and just fuck right there on our couch where our friends stay to sleep over or to sit and watch movies. You tear yours and my clothes off to leave us both naked as I slowly go down and take the head of your cock into my mouth. I start sucking nice and hard for a while, using my tongue to swirl around it and get you off right down my tight throat. I still can’t get enough and climb on top of you to sit right on that dick that I love so much. I just need to have it in me, to feel another load explode deep inside my wet tight pussy. Let your sexy girlfriend make you feel good!


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