Adult Trick Or Treat

Mature phone sex

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween with their family.  I noticed something for the past few years, trick or treaters are few and far between, and this year nobody came to my door.  I was talking to a bunch of people at our monthly HOA meeting and it turns out, nobody in our gated community has anyone in their household who is of that age to go out.  Everyone has sent their offspring off to college, so that would explain the lack of door bell ringing this year.

I called my friend Hildie; she is the one who is the Domme; and we were talking about it.  She said she must have six pounds of candy that she doesn’t know what to do with, I am in the same boat.  She said something to the effect of, “Too bad we cannot do an Adult Halloween door to door.” Then she laughed.  I didn’t laugh at all, I think that is a fabulous idea.  Her and I started to talk about the details and this is what we came up with.

Next year, those who want to participate would give out adult based gifts instead of candy.  For instance, those little bottles of whiskey, or maybe even full sized bottles of whiskey, these people have money after all.  Or perhaps some cigars, or other types of gifts, anything but candy.  Then we would all meet up at a designated house to have a huge costume party to drink said whiskey.  Of course we need to get more detailed with what would be given out, but I think for the most part it is a fabulous idea.  The hard part now is getting it past the HOA bitches.

We also discussed perhaps taking a select few back to either her or my house for an intimate after party.  In other words a Halloween orgy.  There are a few people in the neighborhood that I know for a fact are kinky as hell.  I am pretty sure we could get a good turn out.  I am sure you wouldn’t mind attending an after party like that … would you?

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