Phone humiliation and pain by a sexy sugar baby for a small dick

Phone humiliationPhone humiliation by a sexy sugar baby will leave your vision blurry! Men who have it all together on the outside but lack something in the dick department need to be made fun of.

These types of men deserve to be humiliated and degraded by a dominant woman who knows how to put them in their place. A sexy sugar baby holds a special cruelty to leave these kinds of men feeling ashamed and inadequate.

 It is not enough to merely call you out on what a shameful appendage you have between your legs. Often I go into CBT territory just because I hate looking at a shrimp cocktail starter! Imagine me laughing and teasing as my nails dig into your little scrotum. Pulling and tugging just to see if I can get some pleasure from your little dick! 

Phone humiliation by a sexy sugar baby

 Hope you can handle a little pain and punishment as we delve right into Edgeplay phone sex! Come on, you know you can handle it. You have money, a good body and are very charming. But we all know the shame that comes from having such a mini prick like that! Let me give you what you really need!

Edgeplay phone sex for a little dick and balls

Oh! To have you become a sniveling little bitch under as I force cumies out of a battery sized penis is going to be so hot for this sexy sugar baby. And what’s more you pay me to do it! 

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