Happy (Sugar) Daddys Day!

GFE phone sex Darline

While you may not be my real daddy.

You’re still the best to me.

You spoil me, clothe me, make me laugh, and keep me happy.

So today on this day of fathers. I want to do something special for you.

That’s why when you get home today. You’re going to find me in our room. Naked but some jewels. A shiny lubed up ass and fingers deep.

Stretching my tight, pink, little star just for you.

As soon as I see you strip, that hunger in your eyes, I feel my pussy start to drip. I want you cock inside of me so badly. I want to know you don’t have to take your time, you don’t have to be gentle.

I pour some of the lube in my hand, rub it onto your cock. Quick, fast, hard strokes to cover you. Would hate for you to get friction burns. Then onto my knees I go, my slippery hand between my legs mixing my own juices with the lube making my fingers slide over my clit and over my pussy.

I can’t help but moan as you hilt yourself in one stroke. My favorite cock deep inside my ass, it’s the best feeling in the world and I nearly cum on the spot. But, then you start thrusting, hard and fast. I feel so warm and tight around you and I love the feeling of my ass jiggle each time you thrust into it.

I don’t know how long we fuck, my fingers on my clit and your cock giving me orgasm after orgasm. All I know is it doesn’t feel nearly long enough before you groan. I can feel your cock twitch and throb inside of me, filling me with a wonderfully huge load of your hot steamy cum. Poor baby, you must of been pent all up at work. We’ll have to keep going, again and again, until there’s no cum left for you to give me tonight.

Love you Daddy.

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