Sissy Maid Stories with Maggie

sissy maid stories sexy sissy trainerDo you have your own personal sissy maid stories you can’t tell many people? Well , you can tell me. I love sissies. My parents only had me, so I had no siblings. However, I did have my very own sissy to play with, Serena; a friend of my parents who essentially had no dick, but wanted to be a part of their wild Hollywood life style. She was given to me as my personal servant/play thing. Twenty years later, and she is still serving me. When I was younger she made me my meals, cleaned my room, did my shopping, played games with me, even took me to and from school. My parents of course made her wear a French Maids outfit and curtsey every time she was greeted or I gave her an instruction. I was a little bossy bitch, still am, so I had so much fun ordering Serena around. I loved sending her to the store to buy me things like tampons and lube. I’d even send her to the adult store to buy me vibrators.

Now, she still does whatever I want and need, but I whore her out to my lovers also. I think it is so much fun to make her clean the sheets after a real man and I have fucked our brains out, leaving the linens drenched in cum. She will be in the kitchen making us food for after our fuck fest, and I will summon her up to the bedroom to immediately clean the sheets, and I will sometimes force feed her my cum drenched panties to wash by hand, well, by mouth! I even make her clean my pussy and my lover’s cock with her mouth too. It is so amusing to watch Serena curtsey with a mouth full of cum.

sissy maid training hot gfeWhenever I summon my sissy she comes. Does whatever domestic or not so domestic task I require. Been with me for over 20 years. I love my sissy like I would a sibling, but she is getting old. She tries her best to keep up with me and my sundry lovers, but I believe a need another sissy to assist me with the day to day tasks I am simply too hot to bother doing. So I am now excepting application s for a new sissy. No experience necessary, just a willingness to serve and the ability to follow instructions properly, without complaining. Serena had no experience, and I trained her as a little girl to be one of the best sissies around. I turned a rather alpha male into a silly little song singing, cum guzzling, frilly dress wearing, curtseying, fairy fag, sissy maid. I can train you to be the best sissy around too.

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