Autoeroticism / Erotic roleplaying

Erotic roleplaying Gwen here with your sexy therapy session of erotic roleplaying. 

Today’s topic is Autoeroticism 

“What is auto erotic Behaviour?

the creation of sexual excitement and gratification by the self, whether through masturbation, other sexual behaviors (e.g., stimulating nongenital portions of the body), or thoughts (e.g., daydreams, fantasies). Also called autoerotism.”*


Aka The mind fuck! 

What does it mean? The way I know to use Autoeroticism is by not letting my callers touch themselves until they are so aroused they are on the edge of shooting that big load for me. I think every phone sex therapist uses auto erotic behavoior in some form or fashion. You may be touching yourself imagining a sexy bitch like me going down on you. You can almost feel my mouth on your shaft and balls! And I assure you that my moans have me thinking about you in a new fashion. This is why I love to gather my caller’s physical description so I can go in my head and have my pussy light up as I envision the naughty things we will do to each other! How do you use Phone sex therapy? are you an auto erotic man who needs a cum load without touching himself? Let me stimiulate your cpck through your mind! 

* —autoerotic adj. [defined by British sexologist Havelock Ellis (1859–1939)]


    • Jon on April 8, 2022 at 8:13 pm
    • Reply

    It’s true, she fucked my mind and made my cock explode. I love you, babe.

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