Best Phone Sex; Hey There Produce Man

Best Phone Sex

It is not often I have to shop for my own groceries. Usually I have a service that does it for me and my Daddy. It was not until I saw the guy in produce that I recalled why I did not shop. He was the best phone sex guy I had seen in a while. He was not even a mature phone sex guy like I was used to. He must had been like 35 so I guess you could consider that mature. Anyway, I needed so help getting my card full of groceries out to the car and figured I could play the damsel in distress for him.
That was all I had to do. I brought my car to the back of the store, surprisingly there was no one around. He loaded all of my groceries and I began to tease him. I felt on his muscles as I reached into the bag pulling out a big cucumber. I lifted up my skirt and started to play with it on my camel toe. I whimpered and I could feel his cock push against my leg. He grunted and undid his zipper thrusting himself towards me. I reached into his pants and pulled out his…tiny little pee pee. I giggled sliding from the back of my suv. I chuckled as I tossed him the cucumber and got in the driver’s seat. I told him no one got anywhere with a small dick, and drove away.

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