Best Phone Sex is Cyber Sex for Cuckolds

best phone sexThe best phone sex doesn’t have to be actual phone sex. It can be cyber sex. We offer cyber chat sessions for the same price as a call. I was actually cybering with one of my regular cuckold clients last night while I got tag teamed by two big cocks. It was hard to type while I was getting assaulted in my ass and pussy by worthy dicks, but I did manage to type a slew of humiliating things. He was stroking his pathetic little nub on his yahoo messenger as I was getting double penetrated by cocks 4 times his size. I showed my studs his worthless piece of shit he calls a dick and they howled in laughter. They couldn’t believe he was married. I mean how in the hell does a woman marry a man with a 3 inch dick? I thought she had to be blind. But even that didn’t make sense because she could still feel that it was pathetic. I wish I could make all women understand size matters and that they do not have to settle for a pathetic excuse for a cock. Not when there are plenty of hung men in the world that want nothing more than to give a sexy woman the pleasure she deserves. The pleasure you can’t give her. I love cyber sessions with cuckolds because I know they will read my humiliating texts over and over again as they try to beat their little shrimp dick. I typed to my cyber cuckold, ” The only reason I have anything to do with you is because you are paying me $2.00 a minute.” Face it losers. If you have a tiny nub, you must pay a woman for her time. And if it is a woman like me, she will take your money and deny you the privilege of cumming. Cumming is not a right. It is a privilege hot bitches like me bestow on worthy cocks. Those of you who fall short, just have to play with your twig and berries on your own. Not enough money in the world would make me play with your worthless package.

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