Best Phone Sex Little T&D For A Little Cock

Best Phone Sex

When I was walking my dog in the park I noticed this hot guy playing Frisbee golf. He had no shirt on so I could see his remarkable chiseled abs. He was hot as fuck and I loved it. He “accidentally” tossed it in my direction and jogged over to apologize. That was when he asked if I would like to go on a date with him. I had no problem with that, but we all know how I like to test out my goods first. I spent the next week sending him hot little shot of me in sexy lingerie. He would send me all kinds of hot and steamy text asking me to reveal more and more. He was a sexy mature phone sex man so I had no problem sending him all little brats of pics of me as I stripped and started to play with y pussy. That is when it happened. He send me a picture of his hard dick. I sent back “are you going to get hard for me baby?” To which he replied “I am hard and ready to go.” I held by phone in my hand and pulled back up his picture. Mockingly I squinted my eyes at the little cock and sent him back a “HaHaHa!” I never returned his many pleas for a response. When I ran back into him at the park I pretended like I had no idea who he was.

Mature Phone Sex

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