Best Phone Sex: Milking Your Prostate

Some of the best phone sex you can have involves assistance with the health of your prostate. How, might having phone sex help in your prostate health you might ask.. Well milking your prostate is nearly mandatory in maintaining a healthy prostate. And with a little guidance, toy(s) and lube we are on our way.

Best Phone Sex

Another way to support Men’s Health Month is to strengthen your PC muscle. This is a key factor in building your sexual health and staying power. If your endurance during sexual intercourse is low then we need to start you on a routine. You can locate the location of your PC muscle by learning how to stop and start your urine flow. Once you are able to do that then you can start working on that muscle by doing repetitions of squeezing and holding then relax… 5 secs on 5 secs off and repeat.

Once you get a gist of this you will know how to control your orgasm. This will greatly help you please your partner as Quick Draw McGraw is not sexy, and will eventually become the butt of many jokes. I would love to assist in your build up of endurance, improving your sexual health and to just be the girl you call to bust one off with.


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