BNWO part 1

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What a wild weekend! Sexy babe Cass get me reacquainted with the king of all kings, BDK, of course, I am well aware of the living legend, but some time has gone by, and the head sugar baby in charge invited me over, and I couldn’t turn it down. I flew on Papi King’s private jet, which was top-of-the-line, so much so that it got me wet. Luxury at its finest, and my mind began to think about all the fun times with Anaconda. No one can pleasure women like BDK and his anaconda. Cassandra looked hotter than ever and dripping in diamonds BDK got her paired with the latest Birkin bag to match.

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Most wannabe losers, or as Cassandra calls them, Splenda daddies, will never get near a Birkin bag. BDK, on the other hand, knows how to spoil his sugar babies.  A custom one runs in the low end of 100k, a drop in a buck for the champ. I enjoy Latina phone sex with only BDK. No one could come close even if they tried. Cassandra told me to wait till I took a look at the mega-mansion big daddy king had built. It got so massive that it became the perfect place to be the  texan headquarters of BNWO. Now BNWO, I didn’t know what it was, but I sure did find out.

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Sexy chicks roam all around. Cassandra gave me the breakdown and told me it was incredible, and oh boy, was it the most epic place I had ever laid my eyes on it was enormous. Everything Cassandra said didn’t do it justice. I can’t blame her because I wouldn’t even be able to relay how fantastic it is and how it is in a lifetime experience even to step foot on the premise. There’s everything you can think of BDK needs to unwind and keep his businesses going, and he has become even richer and much more handsome. I never thought that would be possible until I witnessed it myself.

The hottest women in the world all in one compound. Cassandra promised me a tour, and we went ahead and looked at the offices and the Olympic size pools. It’s like a mega-resort. Big Daddy King is a busy man; this is a little piece of heaven he needs to ground himself.

BNWO is a movement founded by papi King. Cassandra had me learn the pledge in English, and I translated it into Spanish. Black new world order is what it stands for, and I am so thrilled to be part of it. As a special tribute, I got branded and got the spades that became the property of Big Daddy King.

The best part of the whole tour was getting acclimated with papi King himself. After seeing him, I couldn’t help but get all giddy like a schoolgirl. I knew his presence was far superior to a royal heir. He is the definition of royalty. BDK’s confidence, charisma, and sex appeal will make any hot girl in need to meet Anaconda. I recited the BNWO pledge and was fortunate to have fun with Anaconda again.



    • Slut4BlackNewWorldOder on May 25, 2023 at 1:32 pm
    • Reply

    OMG this is so fucking hot. I want to make my pilgrimage to the BNWO Headquarters and let BDK and his homeboys fucking use me in front of my husband and take me as their property. Please Big Daddy King. White men could never compete with BDK and the BNWO. All Hail Anaconda

    • BlondeBabyForBDK on May 25, 2023 at 1:35 pm
    • Reply

    Yes!!!!! Both you girls are fucking hot and are so devote to Daddy, I love it. Thank you BDK for allowing me some time and the pirveleg of worshipping you at your Florida estate. My God Big Daddy King really is the Supreme Being. I live to worship him. All they say about how huge Anaconda is , are all fucking true and I know you white men hate that.

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