Cocksucking Their Way Into Porn

Cocksucking phone sex

Cocksucking phone sex and getting covered in cock cream turn my daughter and her skinny little friend on so much that they decided to audition for some random porn guys.  I don’t mind, a truly sophisticated slut takes control of her own sexual power and uses it to her personal gain.  That’s sophisticated hottiness 101 and these girls are taking that lesson and running with it.

You see them all the time, online ads looking for open minded “models” looking to get into film.  My girl and her bestie decided to answer one and set up an appointment “try out” for a guy they had never met before in a strange hotel room in the middle of the day.  Sounds fucking hot as hell to me!  They got all dressed up in their slinkiest porn clothes and headed downtown to show this guy how they handle dick with big smiles on their faces.

Apparently there were four men in the room waiting to drill out my dingy daughter and her fine little friend on camera.  According to them, the way they handled all four of those fat fuck hogs would’ve made me proud.  The showers of thick and sticky, syrupy cum made both of those teen cum queens happy as hell.  They came home covered in chunky crust excited to tell me all about their porn audition.  They don’t know if they made it or not but the guy told him he’d let them know what the producers think soon.  All of the cum on her friend’s small boobs should help seal the deal, I guess we’ll know soon!


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