
Hello my name is Veronica. I am just a nasty PSO… Phone sex operator. See a long time ago, I had a real job. I would sit at my desk and play with my pussy over and over. Then I started taking breaks to slip in some quickie’s. I have always been VERY sexual. After losing more than a few jobs due to my needs. I realized… I need a job where I can fuck all day long. Even on bad weather days. This Phone sex just fell in my lap. And it is the best thing in the world because I love erotic roleplaying. I thought I was a FREAK before this job. I had done it all. Threesomes, swinging, gang bangs. I have given so many great blowjobs in my life I should be related to a Hoover. BUT this job opened my eyes. Hearing everyone’s dirtiest secrets. Deepest fantasies. OMG. I have NEVER cum so much in my life. I can’t get enough. I’m hooked now. Every time I hear a new fetish. All those sexy voices. Playing with my pussy talking to strangers. Listen to them cum for me. This is what I have been looking for my whole life. This is what I have been searching for. Now I can cum over and over. EVERYDAY. I am the luckiest bitch in the world. Mmmm Are you ready to explode with me. Because I am ready to listen. There are lots of phone sex sites out there but I assure you that I am the best your cock will ever experience babe!

~ Veronica

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