Edgeplay phone sex with Loretta

I went out yesterday and went shopping! Spending my husband’s money makes my little honey hole wet! We have a deal. For every $100 I get to spend he gets 5 minutes of naked time. Now I think that should be changed because I can blow over a grand on some coke for one day. I mean my husband doesn’t have to know what I spend my money on. All he needs to know is that I spent a lot of it. That way he can add up the time and force me to be his wife for a night. I knew I was going home and had to deal with a very needy man. I stopped by my dealer’s house before I went home, to pick up my order.

Edgeplay phone sex

Well I could have spent the fat wad my husband gave me in hopes I’d actually fuck him tonight, HAHAHA. Or I could work off my thousand-dollar debit with my dealer by fucking his friends and him. I would love to show up to my house with where I know my husband is waiting for me. He probably has candles lit everywhere, rose petals down the hall way to our room. Shit that he thinks will make my pussy drip. Well my pussy will be dripping. After getting fucked by all these sexy dark chocolate guys! Dark Chocolate is my favorite! I wish you could have seen the look on my pitiful husbands face when I handed him the big fat wad of cash back to him. I grabbed the chilled bottle of Cristal off the counter and followed the rose petals to our room to the hot bubble bath he warmed up for us to start our evening in. Poor guy, he is left with his right hand and some blue balls.

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