Fucking Her Husband- Easy Seduction

Coed phone sexDuring the Summer I don’t think much about school. The only time I’ve ever fucked a teacher was for a good grade or to excuse a few absences. Today just happened out of the blue but I couldn’t help myself. I ran into my economics teacher at the mall. He’s a average looking dude but I remember this one time I met his recent new wife. She was a total bitch and called me girlie. Always thought if I had the chance to I’d find a way to knock the smugness out of her. Then suddenly here’s her aloof husband alone in the mall strolling about. He had this look on his face as if in thought, I giggled he was probably lost. I approached him and struck up a conversation about his Summer and asked him if he needed help. He was looking for his wife but he lost her and she was off spending his money. He said the last part in a bit of a annoyed tone. I smirked and sweetly responded she shouldn’t be doing that without him present. He nodded and I saw him look my body over with interest. I grabbed his hand and told him to come with me, I had something to show him. I lead him into a less crowded part of the mall which had a little photo kiosk in the center. I pressed against him my hand lightly grazing the front of his pants and asked him to join me for a quick photo.

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