Great Blowjobs and Sex Therapy

Great blowjobsHe rose above me, straddling my waist. He slid his cock up and down my belly, working his way up my body until he had it between my tits. He squeezed my tits together around his cock, and started fucking them, and I bent my head to lick and suck on the head every chance I got. Soon enough, he was done with my tits and worked his way even higher. He got to my mouth and slid his dick over my lips, smacking my cheeks with it a few times. He tapped my lips with it, and I opened my mouth. He slid into my mouth and straight down my throat. He started fucking in and out, filling my throat up and emptying it all over again with each thrust. I felt his body getting more and more tense, his cock getting harder and harder. I heard his breathing getting heavier and heavier, and I knew that he was getting close, so I started really working my tongue. I flicked my tongue over and around, licking and stroking his dick every time he moved. He finally exploded down my throat, and kept cumming as he pulled back. He filled my throat, my mouth and my face with cum. Oh, I love eating cum!

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