He Deserved Phone Humiliation

Phone Humiliation

Your hottie deserves the best cock and when you don’t bring it? Well, you get my phone humiliation. You cant want to lick my sweet juicy young pussy and play with my perky young tits and get me all worked up and then… Tell me you have a millimeter peter and be proud of it. Oh, no, you are not big enough to ride this ride baby! My young loins ache for men with meat on that cock to fuck me right.

On the phone or off do not embarrass yourself thinking five inches is enough for me. That is not even average. I went from putting my large dildo in and enjoying myself to laughing hysterically at my caller. What? Five whole fucking inches? At least lie to me. But no that is what he wanted, to be laughed at just like women do in real life.

They  Laugh at his poor excuse for a cock. Tempting Hotties like me who use their body for a living may be whore, but we get the best cock and five inches will never satisfy me. Your tongue and finger will make me wet but a little cock during my best phone sex day will make me laugh and make fun of you. And now I have to call up my boyfriend so I can get a real fuck. With a nice long hard cock the way it is supposed to be!

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