Humiliated and Satisfied

Small dick humiliation

“Look at that teeny tiny Vienna sausage?” I laughed. “How do you even piss without wetting your itty bitty balls?” I asked though I already knew the answer. I pulled out my ruler, magnifying glass, and tweezers. My favorite part of these sessions, besides how entertaining it is laughing at all these little man clitties, is measuring and sizing them up. I already knew this particular client was barely 3 inches soft and right at 4 ½ inches when fully erect. I just loved pulling out my ruler and using it to rub his small size in his face. I used the tweezers to grab a hold of his little pecker. Then, I placed my ruler next to his little pink clitty. “Where’s my magnifying glass? There’s no way I can see your minuscule dick without it.” I gloated. As I held the magnifier to his limp dick, his face turned red and his tiny clit twitched. “Mmmm, looks like ur extra pinky is starting to get hard,” I teased.”That’s because you’re so embarrassed that I’m measuring your tiny little dick.” I laughed at the sight of his twitching clitty. “Let’s see if we can’t embarrass you some more and get you all the way erect for us?” I smiled. I invited my surprise to come in. A 6’5 semi-pro basketball player and his massive BBC joined my client and I in my office. “Today, we’re going to compare your little clitty to a real man’s dick. You need to know what it feels like to hold on to a heavy man cock instead of that tiny pecker resting on your balls. My ball-playing friend walked over and dropped his basketball shorts. His giant BBC flopped out hitting halfway between his thigh and knee. My client and I marveled at its massive size. “You’ve never seen a cock that big in person before have you?” I asked knowing full well he had never. “Let’s put those two cocks side by side just for shits and giggles,” I beamed. My client’s face turned cherry red and his clitty started to leak tiny drops of pre-cum as my client’s massive semi-hard cock rubbed up against his. I instructed my client to hold my friend’s cock in his hands and feel it. He used two hands to lift my friend’s BBC. “Stroke it,” I urged. My client followed  my directions and began stroking and jerking that BBC in his hands. When my friend was rock-hard and his thick, sticky prum leaked out of his spongy-mushroom head, I ordered my client to lick and suck my friend’s cock head clean. My obedient client worked so hard and cleaned my friend’s giant cock up so nicely. My friend rewarded him by filling my client’s mouth with a juicy load of yummy cummy. “Session over,”  I smiled proudly. I have such awesome clients and friends. 


    • Gilbert on December 8, 2021 at 8:21 am
    • Reply

    I love your juicy chocolate titties! I will cover them In my cum!

    • Kaedon on May 22, 2022 at 6:29 pm
    • Reply

    My sister made me compare with her boyfriend once and it was so embarassing.

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