I love being a phone sex therapist. It brings me great joy to save a marriage with cuckold therapy. I could not save my two marriages, so I think I work harder to save your marriage. Women cheat just like men do, but we cheat for different reasons. Men cheat because some cute thing is wiggling her butt and does things his wife does not do. They check for ego and thrill and because monogamy scares them. Women however cheat because their husbands are not fulfilling their emotional needs, or they are not fulfilling their sexual needs. Men with cheating wives are usually dick heads who make their wives feel fat or unappreciated. Or they have small or broke down dicks. Sometimes, men are both tools with small dicks like my ex-husbands. Personally, I enjoy small dick humiliation, especially with men like my ex-husbands and Gary, whose wife has been seeing me. She is an old school wife. She is a stay-at-home mother. She cooks and cleans, and she takes her husband’s nub and emotional abuse as par for the course. That was until I became her therapist. Warning, if your wife sees me, I will do the same. I am pro woman and that means making women understand that their sexual pleasure matters. I have been seeing Gary’s wife for a month and I finally convinced her to bring her loser husband to therapy. He thought he was the shit because he has a good job. He thought the issue was all on his wife, so I brought in a surrogate lover. I do that often. A woman need to see she has options, and a man needs to see his wife cumming on a bigger dick. Gary did not like what he saw and stormed out. His wife, however, came for the first time in decades on a big cock. I told her to tell her husband to be her cuckold phone sex partner or her ex-husband. She will be happy either way and that is all that matters to me.