I’m hypnotized by the BDK lifestyle



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Cassandra wasn’t lying I knew BDK was a big deal I’ve read the blogs and have heard all about the sexy chicks he has around him. I patiently awaited my turn and it was worth the wait. See, nobody compares to the king he’s on a league of his own.

I finally got to meet BDK and anaconda and it was the most perfect cock I have ever laid my eyes on it definitely lives up to the hype. Honestly, it deserves even more praise. Big Daddy King arrived with his OG sugar baby Cassandra the hottest blonde barbie ever. She’s perfection from head to toe. Daddy has her blinged out with all the diamonds she has she’s glowing from a mile away.

Everything BDK touches to platinum. Big Daddy King and Cassandra are the restaurant’s VIP guests. I’m a bit nervous as I make my way to see pretty much royalty. Big Daddy is so handsome. There isn’t a shy bone in my body but when I am by BDK I’m star struck. Sugar baby queen Cassandra introduces me and daddy likes what he sees. I give him a little intro of who Envy is and Big Daddy likes what he hears.  Big Daddy lets me know that a sexy babe like me deserves to be given the opportunity to meet an anaconda.

After Big Daddy gives his stamp of approval he invites me to take a ride to his Mansion.

Cassandra opens the door to BDK’s Castle. It’s one of the biggest mansions I have set my eyes on and I’m originally from Socal and have lived in both southern California and Palm Beach all my life so I have seen my fair share of grandiose homes but this was like heaven on earth. The most massive mansion with custom engraves and the best granite and marble money can buy. crystal chandeliers and gold engraving all over. It’s an interior designer’s dream to even step foot in such a masterpiece.

I’m hypnotized by the BDK lifestyle. Cassandra gives me a quick tour then we go off to the pleasure room to meet anaconda. As soon as I see it I’m speechless. Big Daddy King has the biggest cock ever!!!! I knew at that moment Big Daddy King owns me for life!!!

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