Leaving my Mark

Fantasy phone sex

I love looking good at all times! Before I walk out the door My hair has to be on point, Eyebrow on fleek and the perfect shade of lipstick. There is something sexy about a woman with nice full lips. I love leaving a part of me around where ever I go. Lip prints on cups, straws, napkins. It is my signature thing. I love leaving my mark on men and women as well. Kissing down their necks, leaving my mark on their body. I love seeing the red lipstick around the base of a man cock, or on a woman’s cunt. I even like to put lip stick on her pussy lips to make them sexier! Lipstick should be every woman’s staple in life! Mine is ruby red that last for hours and last while I eat some wet pussy! Looking a beautiful pink pussy with my red lips is so intoxicating. Watching my red lips go to her pussy lips is worth having a mouth full of cunt!


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