Mature Phone Sex Slut Loves Public Fucking

mature phone sexMature phone sex sluts have the most fun! I was at Sam’s Club this morning shopping. This sexy stocker was falling me around like a dog in heat. I loved the attention. I gave him something to watch too. I walked seductively up and down every aisle, frequently bending over so he could see I was not wearing any panties under my wickedly short skirt. I could feel my pussy juice cascading down my thighs as I teased this young stud. I do love teasing the boys.

When I passed a little under construction area, I turned around, looked him right in the eye and beckoned him to follow me into the restricted area. It didn’t look dangerous; just a future display. I pushed him into a desk chair, unzipped his pants and pulled out his throbbing cock. I gave it a few yanks before straddling the chair to insert his cock deep inside my warm wet MILF muff. He let out a moan that would have awoke the dead, so I muffled him with a tit in his mouth. I love the idea of getting caught, but as a teacher I could sadly lose my job for public fucking.

His hands went down to grab my ass as my pussy muscle latched on to his growing member. I slid up and down his shaft frantically until, he filled my pussy up with cum. I kissed him, hopped off his cock, tugged my skirt down and finished my shopping with man seed dripping down my legs. I love shopping.

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