Milf phone sex slut Angela

milf phone sex

Everyone knows what a spoiled, milf phone sex slut I am. I live in a big house, drive the finest cars and have everything that I could ever want handed to me. I’m married to a little dick, cucky loser bitch that I feed cum to so he’ll shut up and keep paying my bills. He married me to be his trophy wife and I married him for his money but there are some things that money can’t buy. There is no amount of money in the world that could make me pretend that his pathetic, tiny dick pleases me. He knows that in order to keep me around, he has to empty his wallet on me and let me be a raging cum slut. That means letting me take as much bbc as my tight, hot holes can handle. He doesn’t bat an eye when he comes home to find me riding another man in our bed. He’ll sit back and jerk his mini dickie while he watches his sexy, slutty wife get her pussy absolutely ruined by a big, thick cock. I make him lick all over my cunnie while I’m taking another man’s cock, just to embarrass and humiliate him. After I force him to watch a real man pack me with cum, I sit on his face and make him eat it all out of me! That’s what just happened when he walked in and caught me riding the gardener. I was straddling him, riding that huge cock backwards. I had that dick deep in my little cunt and was bouncing on it hard as fuck. I was moaning and my perky tits were bouncing. The second I saw my husband I told him to sit down and watch how a real man pleases a woman. I made him watch while I grinded down on that fat dick and gripped it with my hot, tight cunnie. That thick cock was making me squirt so fucking hard and all my little dick husband could do was tug on his tiny weenie and watch. I hope you’re a real man with a real cock, built for pleasing sexy, slutty milfs like me!

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