My Masseur

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Today I went for a much needed massage. My masseur was strong with broad shoulders and was very handsome. As soon as I laid down, I began to daydream about his hands drifting to the places on my body that were aching for a man’s touch the most. He lingered a little long on the small of my back and lifted the towel a little far exposing my bare ass. He groaned, and I felt as though he was wanting me as much as I him. I responded with my own groans of pleasure, and when he moved up to my shoulders, I rolled over and placed one of his strong hands on my breast. He cupped it and squeezed it vigorously. With the invitation, he explored my body with intensity, and before long he had his head between my legs and licked my pussy as though his life depended on it. When he finally entered me, I was gushing and shaking with orgasm. I left that spa feeling great and plan to go back next week.

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